Boycott Black Friday and Still Get Great Deals Stores like Best Buy, Sears, Walmart are opening way too early and ruining Black Friday. It's a sport for some, and that is fine but when you start opening stores early on Thanksgiving evening, you've gone too far. It's sad, and you really should be focusing on spending time with family. As a prior employee of Best Buy Geek Squad I remember having to go to bed at 7PM Thanksgiving night just to be up and at the store by 4 AM in the morning. That was terrible enough, but at least I was able to enjoy most of Thanksgiving. Stores are now opening as early as 8PM, that means time with family has to be cut. Therefore it's easy for me to agree with groups all around the world boycotting. The trouble is, it's hard to boycott a good deal. Well, it's time to get smart and move your shopping all online. This way you can spend the day with your family and even do a little shopping while avoiding the long lines and li
This is why Cyber Monday and Shopping online is better than Black Friday Black Friday & Cyber Monday The best deals on all Black Friday & Cyber Monday purchases ironically do not occur on their designated dates. It's an old marketing trick, the best deals actually occur the weeks before Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Even in brick and mortar stores like Best Buy, you'll find the deepest discounts the week prior. Fortunately, you're a smart shopper and know that shopping online beats all the lines and get the best deals. Not to mention that if you have Amazon Prime , you'll get 2-day free shipping . So as you can tell, there is a large cost savings by doing it online. Depending on your state, you may not even have to pay taxes on your purchase up front. Playstation 4 These consoles aren't out just yet, but that doesn't mean the pre-order sales aren't available. Amazon has an excellent deal starting 9:00 AM PST on 11/12/2013. Pre-orders